What does it measure? Is there a scoring system?
Measurement Criteria
- Environmental Management System
- Waste
- Energy & Climate
- Chemicals
- Water & Effluents
- Biodiversity
- Emissions to air
- Environmental Nuisances.
It provides a comprehensive overview of your company's environmental performance.
Scoring System
The BEPI employs a scoring system to quantify your environmental performance.
For full scope audit, there will be overall ratings:
For the focused scope of Environmental Monitoring, the score will then be focused on the particular Environmental Performance Area.
What are the benefits?
Environmental Benefits
Business Benefits
The Five-Step Journey of an amfori BEPI audit?
- Materiality Assessment: The first step in a BEPI audit is the materiality assessment. This involves identifying and prioritizing the environmental issues that are most relevant to your organization and its supply chain.
 - Supply Chain Mapping and Analysis: This step involves a detailed mapping and analysis of your supply chain to identify the environmental impacts at each stage.
 - Risk Assessment: After conducting the Supply Chain Mapping and Analysis, the next step is to request Risk Assessment of a site.
*The Risk Assessment is a self-assessment to be completed on the amfori Sustainability Platform.
- Improvement Activities: Based on the findings of the supply chain analysis, the next step is to develop an improvement plan. This plan outlines the actions your organization will take to address the identified environmental impacts. As a trusted BEPI partner, we can assist you in creating an effective and practical improvement plan, providing expert advice on best practices and innovative solutions to enhance your environmental performance.
 - Monitor and Report Progress: The final step in a BEPI audit is monitoring progress. This involves assessing the effectiveness of the implemented actions and measuring the improvements in environmental performance.
How to Get Started with BEPI
- Understanding BEPI: The first step is gaining a comprehensive understanding of BEPI, its scope, and how it aligns with your organization's sustainability goals. Our team is ready to provide detailed insights and presentations about BEPI, its benefits, and how it can transform your business's environmental performance.
- Membership Registration: To commence the process, your organization needs to become a member of amfori BEPI. This involves completing the membership application and agreeing to the terms and conditions of BEPI.
 - Supply Chain Analysis: Once registered, the next step is to map and analyze your supply chain. This involves identifying key environmental aspects and determining their materiality. Our team will support you in this critical phase, providing expert guidance and tools to simplify the process.
 - Implementation and Monitoring: With a clear understanding of your supply chain and its environmental impact, you'll be ready to implement BEPI's environmental performance improvement measures. Our team will be at your side, providing continued support in the execution of improvement plans and monitoring progress.
 - Continuous Improvement: Post audit, our team will work with you to address any identified gaps and drive continuous improvement in your environmental performance, aligning your operations with BEPI's sustainable objectives and your own environmental targets.
Why Bureau Veritas?
Bureau Veritas is a global leader in testing, inspection and certification (TIC), delivering high quality services to help clients meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
- Trusted Partner of amfori
As a trusted partner of amfori, Bureau Veritas offers innovative solutions that go beyond simple compliance with regulations and standards. 100 BEPI assessments are conducted yearly for our clients to reduce risks, improve performance and promote sustainable development.
 - Global Resources and Expertise
BV's BEPI auditors are all trained and qualified. Ready to serve across major cities in Asia: China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Taiwan, Cambodia, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand.
 - Dedicated team to support your audit program
Work with your dedicated Audit Program Manager, who’ll be your advisor and manage every detail of your audit. We ensure your auditing and reporting process is streamlined.
InSpec By
Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas is a world-leading concept-to-consumer supply chain solutions partner working with organizations throughout the supply chain, With well in excess of 100 offices and laboratories spread around the world we are proud to be the quality managers for many of the world’s leading brands, retailers and their supply chains.
Inspec is an online booking platform to improve your product quality and reduce returns with systematic inspection and audits, You will experience a fast, easy-to-use booking flow for your product inspection services, and you can book one of our next available product specialists to be at your factory for service as quickly as the next day.
Why Bureau Veritas?
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in laboratory testing, inspection and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group has more than 80,000 employees located in more than 1,600 offices and laboratories around the globe.
As one of the world's leading third-party inspection companies, our inspection team all undergo rigorous technical qualification and integrity training before performing any type of inspection. We offer standard and tailor-made quality control inspection for a wide array of softline and hardline products.
Bureau Veritas helps its clients improve their performance by offering services and innovative solutions in order to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Global footprint and local expertise
Bureau Veritas carries out over 400,000 inspections and audits every year. We have over 1200 fully qualified inspectors across 85 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
Product expertise
Your product quality inspection is conducted with BV’s inspection protocols which are based on our standard practices and decades of experience from assessing millions of factories and products. All our protocols are optimized to meet today’s requirements.
Ethic & independent quality control
As the world leader in testing, inspection and certification services, we put ethics and integrity at the very top of our priority list. Our Code of Ethics ensures our staff members maintain integrity, professional competence, confidentiality, professional behavior, and high ethical standards in their day-to-day business activities.